Welcome to West Norfolk Befriending

Charity number 1111735

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Find out how you can support us to help the people and community of West Norfolk

Read our annual report

Facts and figures on the work we do

Refer someone

We welcome discussions about how our service could help you or someone you know

Contact us

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Volunteer for us

What do our volunteers do? How can you get involved?

What we do

Learn about our work in the West Norfolk community

Latest news

Check back often to see the latest news at West Norfolk Befriending and do follow us on social media too. We are on Twitter and Facebook. Click and drag to see more stories!

Making changes for the better

We held our first Volunteer Forum recently. We invited all our volunteers to attend as well as guest […]

Easter Break

Our offices will be closed over the Easter Weekend from Friday 29th March 2024. We will reopen at […]

Volunteer Forum

West Norfolk Befriending are excited to be holding their first Volunteer Forum this month. Our aim for this […]

Office Closure

West Norfolk Befriending will be closed over the Christmas period. We will shut 12.30pm on Friday 22nd December […]

Festive cheer

St Nicholas’ Church in Dersingham held their annual Christmas Tree festival and coffee morning at the beginning of […]

A piece of cake

We did our annual visit to the lovely ladies of King’s Lynn Sugar Club. Once again they had […]

Christmas Tree Festival

St Nicholas Church in Dersingham is holding their annual Christmas Tree Festival. A number of local organisations have […]

Coffee Morning fun

West Norfolk Befriending held our first coffee morning at Downham Market Town Hall last Friday, 17th November. It […]

Trinity Helping West Norfolk Befriending

Trinity Rotary Club has donated £500 to West Norfolk Befriending. John Hodson, Trinity President, said “The Club wants […]

Charity calendar

Local photographer, Jon Clifton as released a special edition calendar, featuring 12 beautiful photographs of sunsets taken at […]


Hear what our clients and Befrienders have to say about us

Who we are helping

Some facts and figures about who we support. We work with both women and men, most of whom are aged 65-90+ years but we work on a case-by-case basis so do have a chat with our friendly team

Aged 85-90
Aged 75-84

Working in partnership in West Norfolk